Office 365 – MFA is turned off yet it still prompts for it


Turning off MFA for an environment.


  1. Go to Entra
  2. Identity
  3. Overview
  4. Properties
  5. Scroll to the bottom and turn off
  6. Go to Protection
  7. Authentication Methods
  8. Registration Campaign
  9. Disable

If MFA still prompts:

We then went by Disabling MFA for the Affected user by following these steps:

  1. Go to MS Admin Portal
  2. On your left menu, select “Identity” 
  3. On the menu under users, Select “all users”
  4. Click on Per-user MFA
  5. Select the affected user and Disable MFA

 We procceded with revoking all MFA session of our user, for them to provide a new method of contact if the want to by:

  1. Go to MS Admin Portal
  2. On your left menu, select “Identity” 
  3. On the menu under users, Select “all users”
  4. Select on the affected user, and on your left click on “Authentication Method.”
  5. At the top menu you will see 3 dots(…), click on them and the select “Revoke MFA.”