Configuring Automatic Updates in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 Via Group Policy

Problem: Server gets updates and reboots in the middle of the day. Solution: (h/t Michelle T link) Allow configuration of Automatic Updates in Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Symptoms Assume that Automatic Updates is enabled on a Windows 8 Continue reading Configuring Automatic Updates in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 Via Group Policy

Reclaiming Space on SBS

Problem: Lots of random crap saved on the server. Solution: See some of my other posts (eg SBSMonitoring etc.)

The name on the Security Certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site

Problem: You get the following message in Outlook: Solution: When you installed the SSL, certain parameters weren’t setup properly. For this solution we will use as the external CName or A record that points to your Exchange environment. Please Continue reading The name on the Security Certificate is invalid or does not match the name of the site

Outlook 2011 (Mac) connecting to Exchange 2007/2010 downloads emails but nothing shows

Problem: – Emails are downloading to Outlook 2011 client but absolutely nothing shows up. – You run Test-OutlookWebServices in EMC on the Exchange server and you get error 1013 and 1017. Funny enough, the error still shows after the fix. Continue reading Outlook 2011 (Mac) connecting to Exchange 2007/2010 downloads emails but nothing shows