Creating Email Addresses in Office 365 Without a License


You have 10 licenses in Office 365 and the boss is asking for 15 users to have emails setup that forward. Boss also didn’t authorize the purchase of 5 additional licenses.

Bear in mind, the solution will only work if the idea is that you forward to an external email address.


  1. Go to Office 365 Admin Center
  2. Click on ADMIN > Exchange (near the bottom)
  3. Click on Recipients
  4. Click on Contacts near the top
  5. Click on the plus and Mail Contact
  6. Fill out the info, I like to put External for the last name as a point of reference
  7. At the top, click on Groups
  8. Click on the plus and Distribution Group
  9. Put in the Display Name, Alias, Email Address
  10. Scroll down and add the Contact as a group member under Members
  11. Save
  12. Edit the new group (click on the pencil)
  13. Click on Delivery Management on the left
  14. Change the radio button to read Senders inside and outside of my organization
  15. Save

This has to be done, per user. So repeat the process for every new external contact you want to send to.